Vic's QBasic Programming Tutorial Basic Tutorial II A. Introduction To Programming 1. What's it all about? 2. Why Qbasic? 3. Should I even Try Programming? B. Qbasic BASIC Commands A. Introduction To Programming... 1. What's It all About? Have you ever played a game and wondered, How did they Make this? What Tools did they use and how did they learn all this? I remember asking that same question to myself before. When you are at a doss prompt and you type in a program name and press Enter you are giving the computer One command to do. In a real program you are doing the same thing only you would most likely have more than one command to give. 2. Why QBasic? When you think of Basic you usually think easy... Right? QBasic is just that, but only when compared to other programming languages. For the longest time the BASIC Computer Language has been the Begginers programming language. The only thing really easy about it is how it is set up. BASIC has easy to understand words and set up, but it still gets you in the mindset that allmost every programming language has. The only computer programming language my Computer teacher knows is BASIC and look what he's doing! 3. Should I Even Try Programming? You can easily memorize every command in QBasic and still not know how to program like the "Pros". You have to know how to use the commands in just the right way in order to do some things, and sometimes that can take a lot of thinking. Many effects you may want to use in your program may seem immposible for you to think up, and often times they are. Knowing this, why would you even think to start? For the longest time the only kind of games I could write were text games where you enter a word and something happens. I don't know how to explain it but one day things just clicked in my head and I found out little tricks that you could do to manipulate and interact with things on the screen. I am sure that this will eventually happen to you. NOW HERE WE GO!! B. BASIC COMMANDS The first command that almost any BASIC programmer learns is PRINT. First I will give you 3 Examples of the command PRINT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Print "Hello World!" 2. Print 5 3. print 5 + 3 1. In the first one { Print "Hello World!" } you tell the computer to write on the screen Hello World. You probably ask What are the "" for? In order to print WORDS you need the ""'s That is all you need to know right now for that one... we'll get into it more complex later. 2. In the second one { Print 5 } there are no "" around the 5 right? Then how is it printed? You can print numbers to the screen by either using ""'s around the five like { Print "5" } or you can leave them out and get the same effect. 3. In the third one { Print 5 + 3 } you are telling the computer to add 5 to 3 and then print the resaults on the screen. If you used the command { Print "5 + 3" } with the ""'s the computer would print 5 + 3 and not what they are when they are added to each other. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For right now you don't need to think about # 2 or 3 until later. Imagine that you wanted to make a program that wrote on the screen Vic Rules!!! How would you do that? Look at the first one and guess before you look at the answer! This is what that program would look like... PRINT "Vic Rules!!!" Thats it! Try It! open QBASIC and type PRINT "Vic Rules!!!" then hit run or F5 And BANG! It prints it to the screen! You gave the computer one command to do, and it did it... Just like the dos prompt Example... Memorize this command and how you use it!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now lets enter a new Command into your repitoir... CLS The command CLS is short for CLear the Screen I am sure you can guess what this does... If you have been writing your own programms with the print command you might notice that what you wrote with your other programms is still on the screen and you have to print underneath it... CLS clears up this problem! Here is a sample program... ------------------------- CLS Print "Hello World!" ------------------------- Every time you run this program you can't see what you wrote in the old program because before you print it the screen is cleared and it starts back up at the top again. I don't think you realy need any more information on this command ------- THE END command when you want to end the program then use the command END enough said... ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Memorize the three previous commands then you can learn the INPUT Command... Whith the input command you Need to type 2 things... 1. INPUT 2. The Name of the input ( Handle ) The first is obvious but the second will take a little explaining... The name of what you want to input is called an ARRAY... ARRAY's Are one of the most important things you will learn in programming An array can handle Numbers Or words. A word can be defined like this word$ or whateveryouwantocallit$ It has to have a $ at the end, Make sure you memorize this!!!! A Number can be defined like this Number or whateveryouwantocallit this doesn't have to have a $ at the end. Here is an example of how you would get input for a word and a number... Word ---------- Input Name$ ---------- Number ---------- Input Number ---------- When you run the program with the command Input a$ and then type something in and push enter what you typed in will be stored in the memory under the name a$. When it is stored you can do many things with it. One could be to Print it to the screen. This is easy. Remember when I told you that you could print numbers without the ""'s? Well, you can do the same with an array even if it doesn't contain a number. To print a$ all you need to do is give the command... Print a$ THATS IT! Here is an exapmple program that gets the name of the person who is using it and print it to the screen. --- print "What is your name" input name$ print "Hello..." print name$ print "Thank you for using this program!" --- one quick way to optimise thi program is to write it like this... --- Input "What is your name ";name$ print "Hello ";name$ print "Thank you for using this program!" --- instead of 5 lines I used 3 and you get the same effect!!! If you look closely at this program you should be able to figure it out... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memorize the last one yet? Here is the next important command... Welcome to the IF command... Every programming language that I have used so far has some form of the IF command even if it is in the form of CMP JMP (ASM)... The IF command has to be followed by the THEN command and lastly the END IF command. We'll start off with an example INPUT NAME$ IF NAME$ = "Vic" THEN PRINT "Hello Vic!" END IF EXPLANATION: First you input your name... after you do that the computer is told to look at what you inputed and compare it to "Vic". If what you inputed is equall (=) to "Vic" Then print "..." And then finally you put the end if to tell the computer to stop doing that thing... !************| IMPORTANT |*************! One of the most common errors you will get will be from not Using the END IF after your if... !**************************************! Here is another example. If 1 = 5 then print "It does?" end if In this example 1 does not equal 5 so guess what it does... It doesn't do anything actually... It skips over until it gets to the END IF and continues on. Nothing will be printed to the screen. If 5 = 5 then print "Thats right!" end if In this example 5 does equall 5 so guess what it does... It does what its told to do and prints "Thats right!" ---------- You can write more than one command in an if statement... Here is an example, guess what it does. Input "Do you want me to print the numbers between 1 and 5" ; yesorno$ if yesorno$ = "yes" then print "1" print "2" print "3" print "4" print "5" END IF As you have hopefully guessed, it ask you a question, if you reply yes, then it prints 1 to 5 on the screen. ----------- Another important command that is in allmost all programming languages is the FOR command. The FOR command contains two parts, the FOR and the NEXT command here is an example FOR i = 1 to 10 print "Huh huh" NEXT i EXPLANATION: The first line { FOR i = 1 to 10 } tells i to start at 1 and do what is below (until you hit the NEXT i ) 10 times. If you havn't already guessed, the above program prints "Huh huh" 10 times. This is an important Command to understand and make sure you have it down! This type of LOOP is used a lot in game makeing... (*(*(*( It seems that a lot of programmers get in the habit of using i to use as a loop, but you don't always have to )*)*)*) I don't realy know how else to descibe what For does, I will give you an example though. ------- For i = 1 to 100 print i next i ------- in this example, it tells the computer to print what i equals 100 times, every time the For runs one time to the NEXT i and back 1 is added to i. when the command PRINT i is given, the number that i equals is printed to the screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here comes a big example that uses all of the commands from above... CLS PRINT "How many times would you like me to print VIC RULES" input "0, 2, 10" ;number if number = 0 then END END IF if number = 2 then cls for i = 1 to 2 print "VIC RULES" next end end if if number = 10 then cls for i = 1 to 10 print "VIC RULES" next end end if ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Understand the program and then you can learn more commands... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GOTO / GOSUB is another way to use a loop... when you are programming you might want to leave a note where something is so that you can go back to it. In order to go back to that you can use the command GOTO. there are two ways of leaving a note in a certain place. 1. You can use a number Ex. 10 2. you can use letters, as long as they have a : at the end Ex. DUDE: here is an example... --- cls 10 print "Hello" goto 10 --- In this example hello is printed forever... to stop this press Control + Pause or controll + C Here is another example... ---- cls input "pick a number between 1 and 4";number if number = 1 then goto one end if if number = 2 then goto two end if if number = 3 then goto three END IF if number = 4 then goto four END IF one: print "you chose the number one" end two: print "you chose the number two" END three: print "you chose the number three" END four: print "you chose the number four" END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you understand now, I can't think of any other way to describe it... ---------- The next command is used in almost all games It is the LOOP Command... The loop command has two parts, the first is the DO and then the LOOP you absolutely need both of them... do you remember the program... --- cls 10 print "Hello" goto 10 --- ? if you wanted to do the same thing with the loop command you would do it like this cls DO print "Hello" LOOP I think you understand this, now here is a way to add the LOOP UNTIL command. DO input number loop until number = 1 This will loop until you input the number 1 The only other way to describe this better is to tell you to try this in your own programms... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats it for this tutorial! You have learned everything that you need to know to start making QBasic games. In future tutorial I will tell you how to use this in more productive ways. Thank you for spending time reading my crappilly spelled tutorial. And I realy hoped you learned something. Vic Luce 1999 E-MAIl